Monday, January 30, 2012

Yoga Solution :Like a lotus in half bloom

This asana improves balance and coordination, and stimulates blood circulation

Today, let's take a look at Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana, or half-lotus forward bend. This is a challenging yoga posture. It is, simultaneously, a forward bend, a balancing and an inverted posture.

Like all lotus and half-lotus poses, take your time while performing it, be gentle with the knees and do not force your way into it.


Stand with feet together and focus gaze on a fixed point ahead. While balancing on the right leg, lift left foot, bend the left knee and place the foot as high as possible on the right thigh, in the half-lotus position. Simultaneously, inhale and lift the arms above the head. Interlock the fingers, palms facing down.
While exhaling slowly, bend forward from the waist, keeping the arms and the upper body straight and parallel to the floor.
Bend fully forward and place palms flat on the floor to the back of the foot. Bring the forehead close towards the right knee. This is the final position. Breathe normally and hold it for as long as comfortable.
Practise one round, holding the pose for up to two minutes on each side.


This asana stretches and improves flexibility of legs and hips.
It stimulates digestion and removes constipation.
It improves balance and coordination.
It stimulates blood circulation.


People with sciatica, slipped disc, hernia, weak legs and high blood pressure should avoid this pose. Cautions for inverted postures apply.

Bharat Thakur guides you through practices that will connect you to the wisdom of the ancient Indian science of exercising.