Sunday, May 15, 2011

how to get strong muscles using yoga

How to get strong muscles using yoga

We need a strong chest and arms for most physical movements. In this section, we will focus on these areas by practising yogasanas that will help build a good body.

With yoga, specific muscle groups – pectorals, deltoids, biceps, triceps and latissimus dorsi – the forearms and the wrists will be worked on to strengthen muscles. In these isostatic exercises, the body acts as the load and by holding the postures for a longer duration, one can gradually improve the strength of the muscles. A strong chest not only ensures healthy lungs but also helps utilize this energy in the right way. Here are a few postures that will help you build a strong chest and arms.

Basic posture
• Get on hands and knees.
• Slowly lift knees off ground.
• Keep body in straight line.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Repeat 3 times.
• From basic posture, lift one hand off mat and balance body weight.
• Look straight ahead.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Repeat with other hand.
• Repeat 3 times.
• The same can be repeated by alternately lifting the legs off the mat and evely distributing body weight with the hands.
Main posture
• Get down on hands and knees.
• Slowly lift knees off ground, firmly placing feet flat on ground and knees straight.
• Look at navel and transfer body weight to arms.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Repeat 3 times.


• From basic posture, lift one leg off mat, taking it up and balancing body weight with arms.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Repeat with other leg.
• Repeat 3 times.
Main posture

• Sit on mat with legs stretched out and hands by side.
• Shift weight to hands and slowly lift hips off mat, keeping feet flat on ground.
• Drop head back and keep spine straight.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Repeat 3 times.


• Starting with basic posture, bend knees and bring back parallel to ground, in the shape of a table.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Repeat 3 times.


• Sit with legs crossed.
• Take right hand close to ear reaching for your back. Take left hand from below and lock hands firmly at the back. Keep your back straight.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Repeat 3 times.

• Get down on hands and knees.
• Place elbows on mat and stretch legs out, taking knees off mat.
• Keep body in a straight line and look ahead.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Repeat 3 times.


• Lift one leg and balance body weight evenly with arms.
• Hold for 15-30 seconds.
• Repeat 3 times.

bharat thakur tips

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